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暑假英语怎么说 暑假英语常用说法


1、暑假英语可翻译为summer vacation、summer holidays。


(1)The historic feeling of the town makes it a pleasant place to base oneself for summer vacations.(这个小镇的历史氛围使其成为在暑假沉浸自己的一个好去处。)

(2)During his summer holiday he visited Russia.(暑假期间他游览了俄罗斯。)

(3)Memorial Day weekend marks the kick-off of the summer holiday season.(周末的阵亡将士纪念日标志着暑假的开始。)

(4)During the past few years the university has staggered the summer holiday periods for students.(在过去几年里该大学已经把学生的暑假时间错开了。

(5)Many skiers are happy to forego a summer holiday to go skiing.(许多滑雪者乐于放弃暑假去滑雪。)


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