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国庆节英语内容资料 国庆节英语内容资料分享


1、“国庆”一词,本指国家喜庆之事,最早见于西晋。西晋的文学 家陆机在《五等诸侯论》一文中就曾有“国庆独飨其利,主忧莫与其害”的记载。我国封建时代,国家喜庆的大事,莫大过于帝王的登基、诞辰(清朝称皇帝的生日为万岁节)等。因而我国古代把皇帝即位、诞辰称为“国庆”。今天称国家建立的纪念日为国庆。在我国,国庆节特指中华人民共和国正式宣告成立的10月1日。

2、National Day one word, this means the national festival, the first in the western jin dynasty。In the western jin dynasty writer lu ji in the five governors, such as theory, a paper once a National Day alone turns to the Lord, the sorrow mo and its harm records, feudal era, the national festival event, great too of the emperors reign, birthday (the qing dynasty says the emperors birthday for viva section) and so on。 Thus in ancient China acceded to the emperor, birthday called National Day。Today said the country builds for the anniversary of National Day. In our country, especially the National Day of the Peoples Republic of China was founded formally on October 1。


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