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故事书英语怎么读 故事书的英语是什么



2、娃娃们老缠着我给他们读故事书。The kids kept pestering me to read to them。

3、她通过描摹旧故事书上的图画学会了画画。She learned to draw by tracing pictures out of old storyboo。

4、男孩看故事书看得入了迷,没有觉察到我已走进了房间。The boy had got caught up in the story he was reading, and so didnt notice my coming into the room。

5、我不记得有哪个晚上妈妈没在我床边给我读故事书。There was not one night that I dont remember mom reading me a storybook by my bedside。

6、每年,韦斯利都会将两本法语故事书翻译为中文。Two French storybooks are translated into Chinese by Wesley every year。


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