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英语时间介词的用法 in on at by的区别


1、用in的场合。表示“在某年/月/季节”这个含义时,须用介词in.例如:in 1980.

表示“从现在起一段时间以后”时,须用介词in.例如:They will go to see you in a week.表示“在某世纪”时,须用介词in.例如:This machine was invented in the eighteenth century.表示“在某年代或特定世纪某年代”时,须用介词in.例如:This incident happened in the 1970\\\'\\\'\\\'\\\'s.除此之外,morning / evening / afternoon 三个词也常跟介词in连用.

2、用on的场合。表示“在具体的某一天”或“(在具体的某一天的)早上、中午、晚上”等,须用介词on.例如:on May 10th,1982,on a rainy morning,on a summer afternoon.表示“在星期几”或“在星期几的早上、中午、晚上”等,须用介词on.例如:on weekdays,on Saturday morning.表示“在某一节日”时,须用介词on.例如:on Mid-autumn Festival,on Teachers\\\'\\\'\\\'\\\'Day.注意:当morning,evening,afternoon被of短语修饰,习惯上用in,而不用on.例如:in the early morning of September 10th 在9月10的清晨;in the late afternoon of September 12th 在9月12日的傍晚。

3、用at的场合。表示“某一具体时刻(即几点几分时)”,须用介词at.例如:at six 用在特定的时候(时节、时机)时,须用介词at.例如:They were happy at that time.他们那时很幸福.表示“在中午、在夜晚、在周末”时,须用介词at.例如:

What do you often do at noon?你中午经常做些什么?You can see many stars in the sky at night.夜晚你能看到天空中有许多星星.表示“在……岁”时,须用介词at.例如:At the age of nine ,the boy could swim well.在九岁的时候,这孩子就游泳游得很好了。

4、用by的场合。by+时间名词.意为:“到…时(已发生某事),此时谓语多用完成时;最晚、不迟于…,在…之前”.如:by now/then/this time/next Friday/the end of/three o`clock等.By the end of last year,another new gymnasium had been completed.(2003上海·春)到去年年底,又有一座新体育馆峻工了.

The train leaves at 6:00 pm.So I have to be at the station by 5:40 pm at the latest.(NMET97)火车下午六点开,所以最晚我得五点四十赶到车站。


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