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美味的英语怎么读 美味的英语是什么


1、美味的英语:delicious,英 [d??l???s] 美 [d??l???s]。

2、她利用几样剩下的东西烹制出一顿美味饭菜。She produced a delicious meal out of a few leftovers。

3、总是有很多美味可口的饭菜可供选择。Theres always a wide selection of delicious meals to choose from。

4、他们招待五十多位代表吃了一餐美味佳肴。They served a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates。

5、这家饭店的餐厅以美味佳肴闻名遐迩。The hotel restaurant is noted for its excellent cuisine。


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