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一碗米饭用英语怎么说 一碗米饭用英语如何读


1、一碗米饭的英语:A bowl of rice,英 [? b??l ?v ra?s] 美 [? bo?l ?v ra?s]。

2、他说,今天他已经吃过一餐饭,一碗米饭。就只有这些。He says hes had one meal today, a bowl of rice. Thats it.

3、桌上会有一碗又一碗的鸡肉、米饭、菠菜和辣味羊肉,全都由妇女们亲手烹调而成。饭后还有一盘盘香脆的苹果、一块块黄澄澄的蛋糕,还有一大壶奶茶。There would be bowls of chicken, rice, local spinach and spicy mutton, all cooked over the fire by the women, followed by plates of crunchy apples, slices of yellow cake and a big kettle of milky tea.


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