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12岁的英文 大家可以看看


1、12岁的英文twelve years old.

2、【例句】Mark didn\\\'t shape up until he was thirty years old.马克到三十岁时才振奋起来。

3、He is junior to me by two years.他比我小两岁。

4、【相关短语】庆祝12岁生日 celebrate the 12th birthday

5、我今年12岁 This year my 12-year-old

6、一个12岁的男孩 a 12 year old boy

7、它表示刘涛12岁 It said the 12-year-old Tao

8、今天是我12岁生日 Today is my 12th birthday

9、我12岁英语很差 My English is poor 12-year-old

10、那是我们不过12岁 we were 12 years old

11、教授4到12岁儿童 Professor 4 to 12 years old children


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