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呼啸山庄英文简介 呼啸山庄介绍

发布时间:2023-05-05 16:51责任编辑:曾小东标签:英文

1、呼啸山庄英文简介:Wuthering Heights is the work of Emily Bronte, one of the Bronte sisters, and one of the representative works of English literature in the 19th century. The novel describes the abandoned Gypsy son Heathcliff, who was adopted by the old owner of the villa, went out to become rich because of humiliation and failed love.hen he returned, he retaliated against Linton, the landlord who married his girlfriend Catherine, and his children. The whole article is full of a strong spirit of struggle against oppression and happiness, and is always covered with a strange and tense romantic atmosphere. This work has been adapted into film works many times.



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